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Parallel Gripper Action Controller

Controller for executing a ParallelGripperCommand action for simple parallel grippers. This controller supports grippers that offer position only control as well as grippers that allow configuring the velocity and effort. By default, the controller will only claim the {joint}/position interface for control. The velocity and effort interfaces can be optionally claimed by setting the max_velocity_interface and max_effort_interface parameter, respectively. By default, the controller will try to claim position and velocity state interfaces. The claimed state interfaces can be configured by setting the state_interfaces parameter.


This controller uses the generate_parameter_library to handle its parameters.

action_monitor_rate (double)


Read only: True

Default: 20.0


  • greater than or equal to 0.1

joint (string)

Read only: True


  • parameter is not empty

state_interfaces (string_array)

Default: {“position”, “velocity”}

goal_tolerance (double)

Default: 0.01


  • greater than or equal to 0.0

allow_stalling (bool)

Allow stalling will make the action server return success if the gripper stalls when moving to the goal

Default: false

stall_velocity_threshold (double)

stall velocity threshold

Default: 0.001

stall_timeout (double)

stall timeout

Default: 1.0


  • greater than or equal to 0.0

max_effort_interface (string)

Controller will claim the specified effort interface, e.g. robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint/max_effort_interface.

Default: “”

max_effort (double)

Default effort used for grasping (Newtons)

Default: 10.0


  • greater than or equal to 0.0

max_velocity_interface (string)

Controller will claim the speed specified interface, e.g. robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint/max_effort_interface.

Default: “”

max_velocity (double)

Default target velocity used for grasping (meters/second)

Default: 0.1


  • greater than or equal to 0.0