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Admittance Controller

Admittance controller enables you do zero-force control from a force measured on your TCP. The controller implements ChainedControllerInterface, so it is possible to add another controllers in front of it, e.g., JointTrajectoryController.

The controller requires an external kinematics plugin to function. The kinematics_interface repository provides an interface and an implementation that the admittance controller can use.

ROS 2 interface of the controller


The admittance controller uses the generate_parameter_library to handle its parameters. The parameter definition file located in the src folder contains descriptions for all the parameters used by the controller.

joints (string_array)

Specifies which joints will be used by the controller.

Read only: True

command_joints (string_array)

(optional) Specifies the joints for writing into another controllers reference. This parameter is only relevant when chaining the output of this controller to the input of another controller.

Read only: True

Default: {}

command_interfaces (string_array)

Specifies which command interfaces the controller will claim.

Read only: True

state_interfaces (string_array)

Specifies which state interfaces the controller will claim.

Read only: True

chainable_command_interfaces (string_array)

Specifies which reference interfaces the controller will export. Normally, the position and velocity are used.

Read only: True

Default: {“position”, “velocity”}

kinematics.plugin_name (string)

Specifies the name of the kinematics plugin to load.

kinematics.plugin_package (string)

Specifies the package name that contains the kinematics plugin.

kinematics.base (string)

Specifies the base link of the robot description used by the kinematics plugin.

kinematics.tip (string)

Specifies the end effector link of the robot description used by the kinematics plugin.

kinematics.alpha (double)

Specifies the damping coefficient for the Jacobian pseudo inverse.

Default: 0.01 (string)

Specifies the name of the force torque sensor in the robot description which will be used in the admittance calculation. (string)

Specifies the frame/link name of the force torque sensor.

ft_sensor.filter_coefficient (double)

Specifies the filter coefficient for the sensor’s exponential filter.

Default: 0.05 (string)

Specifies the control frame used for admittance calculation. (string)

Specifies the world frame use for admittance calculation. Gravity must point down in this frame. (string)

Specifies the frame which center of gravity (CoG) is defined in. Normally, the force torque sensor frame should be used.

gravity_compensation.CoG.pos (double_array)

Specifies the position of the center of gravity (CoG) of the end effector in the gravity compensation frame.


  • length must be equal to 3

gravity_compensation.CoG.force (double)

Specifies the weight of the end effector, e.g mass * 9.81.

Default: 0.0

admittance.selected_axes (bool_array)

Specifies whether the axes x, y, z, rx, ry, and rz should be included in the admittance calculation.


  • length must be equal to 6

admittance.mass (double_array)

Specifies the mass values for x, y, z, rx, ry, and rz used in the admittance calculation.


  • length must be equal to 6

  • each element of array must be within bounds 0.0001

admittance.damping_ratio (double_array)

Specifies damping ratio values for x, y, z, rx, ry, and rz used in the admittance calculation. The damping ratio is defined as: zeta = D / (2 * sqrt( M * S )).


  • length must be equal to 6

admittance.stiffness (double_array)

Specifies the stiffness values for x, y, z, rx, ry, and rz used in the admittance calculation.


  • length must be equal to 6

  • each element of array must be within bounds 0.0

admittance.joint_damping (double)

Specifies the joint damping applied used in the admittance calculation.

Default: 5.0


  • greater than or equal to 0.0

enable_parameter_update_without_reactivation (bool)

If enabled, the parameters will be dynamically updated while the controller is running.

Default: true

An example parameter file for this controller can be found in the test folder:

  # contains minimal parameters that need to be set to load controller
      - joint1
      - joint2

      - velocity

      - position
      - velocity

      - position
      - velocity

  # contains minimal needed parameters for kuka_kr6
      - joint1
      - joint2
      - joint3
      - joint4
      - joint5
      - joint6

      - position

      - position

      - position
      - velocity

      plugin_name: kinematics_interface_kdl/KinematicsInterfaceKDL
      plugin_package: kinematics_interface
      base: base_link # Assumed to be stationary
      tip: tool0
      group_name: arm
      alpha: 0.0005

      name: ft_sensor_name
        id: link_6  # tool0 Wrench measurements are in this frame
        external: false # force torque frame exists within URDF kinematic chain
      filter_coefficient: 0.005

        id: tool0 # Admittance calcs (displacement etc) are done in this frame. Usually the tool or end-effector
        external: false # control frame exists within URDF kinematic chain

    fixed_world_frame:   # Gravity points down (neg. Z) in this frame (Usually: world or base_link)
        id: base_link # Admittance calcs (displacement etc) are done in this frame. Usually the tool or end-effector
        external: false # control frame exists within URDF kinematic chain

        id: tool0
        external: false

      CoG: # specifies the center of gravity of the end effector
          - 0.1 # x
          - 0.0 # y
          - 0.0 # z
        force: 23.0 # mass * 9.81

        - true # x
        - true # y
        - true # z
        - true # rx
        - true # ry
        - true # rz

      # Having ".0" at the end is MUST, otherwise there is a loading error
      # F = M*a + D*v + S*(x - x_d)
        - 5.5
        - 6.6
        - 7.7
        - 8.8
        - 9.9
        - 10.10

      damping_ratio: # damping can be used instead: zeta = D / (2 * sqrt( M * S ))
        - 2.828427 # x
        - 2.828427 # y
        - 2.828427 # z
        - 2.828427 # rx
        - 2.828427 # ry
        - 2.828427 # rz

        - 214.1
        - 214.2
        - 214.3
        - 214.4
        - 214.5
        - 214.6


~/joint_references (input topic) [trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectoryPoint]

Target joint commands when controller is not in chained mode.

~/wrench_reference (input topic) [geometry_msgs::msg::WrenchStamped]

Target wrench offset (WrenchStamped has to be in the frame of the FT-sensor).

~/state (output topic) [control_msgs::msg::AdmittanceControllerState]

Topic publishing internal states.

ros2_control interfaces


The controller has position and velocity reference interfaces exported in the format: <controller_name>/<joint_name>/[position|velocity]


The state interfaces are defined with joints and state_interfaces parameters as follows: <joint>/<state_interface>. Supported state interfaces are position, velocity, and acceleration as defined in the hardware_interface/hardware_interface_type_values.hpp. If some interface is not provided, the last commanded interface will be used for calculation.

For handling TCP wrenches *Force Torque Sensor* semantic component (from package *controller_interface*) is used. The interfaces have prefix, building the interfaces: <sensor_name>/[force.x|force.y|force.z|torque.x|torque.y|torque.z].


The command interfaces are defined with joints and command_interfaces parameters as follows: <joint>/<command_interface>. Supported state interfaces are position, velocity, and acceleration as defined in the hardware_interface/hardware_interface_type_values.hpp.