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Pose Broadcaster

Broadcaster for poses measured by a robot or a sensor. Poses are published as geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped messages and optionally as tf transforms.

The controller is a wrapper around the PoseSensor semantic component (see controller_interface package).


This controller uses the generate_parameter_library to handle its parameters. The parameter definition file located in the src folder contains descriptions for all the parameters used by the controller.

List of parameters

frame_id (string)

frame_id in which values are published

Default: “”


  • parameter is not empty

pose_name (string)

Base name used as prefix for controller interfaces. The state interface names are: <pose_name>/position.x, ..., <pose_name>/position.z, <pose_name>/orientation.x, ..., <pose_name>/orientation.w

Default: “”


  • parameter is not empty

tf.enable (bool)

Whether to publish the pose as a tf transform

Default: true

tf.child_frame_id (string)

Child frame id of published tf transforms. Defaults to pose_name if left empty.

Default: “”

tf.publish_rate (double)

Rate to limit publishing of tf transforms to (Hz). If set to 0, no limiting is performed.

Default: 0.0


  • greater than or equal to 0.0

An example parameter file

An example parameter file for this controller can be found in the test directory:

    pose_name: "test_pose"
    frame_id: "pose_frame"