
Commonly used and generalized controllers for ros2_control framework that are ready to use with many robots, MoveIt2 and Nav2.

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Guidelines and Best Practices

Controllers for Wheeled Mobile Robots

Controllers for Manipulators and Other Robots

The controllers are using common hardware interface definitions, and may use namespaces depending on the following command interface types:

  • position_controllers: hardware_interface::HW_IF_POSITION

  • velocity_controller: hardware_interface::HW_IF_VELOCITY

  • effort_controllers: hardware_interface::HW_IF_ACCELERATION

  • effort_controllers: hardware_interface::HW_IF_EFFORT


Broadcasters are used to publish sensor data from hardware components to ROS topics. In the sense of ros2_control, broadcasters are still controllers using the same controller interface as the other controllers above.

Common Controller Parameters

Every controller and broadcaster has a few common parameters. They are optional, but if needed they have to be set before onConfigure transition to inactive state, see lifecycle documents. Once the controllers are already loaded, this transition is done using the service configure_controller of the controller_manager.

  • update_rate: An unsigned integer parameter representing the rate at which every controller/broadcaster runs its update cycle. When unspecified, they run at the same frequency as the controller_manager.

  • is_async: A boolean parameter that is needed to specify if the controller update needs to run asynchronously.