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joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster Class Reference

Joint State Broadcaster for all or some state in a ros2_control system. More...

#include <joint_state_broadcaster.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

controller_interface::InterfaceConfiguration command_interface_configuration () const override
 Get configuration for controller's required command interfaces.
controller_interface::InterfaceConfiguration state_interface_configuration () const override
 Get configuration for controller's required state interfaces.
controller_interface::return_type update (const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) override
controller_interface::CallbackReturn on_init () override
 Extending interface with initialization method which is individual for each controller.
controller_interface::CallbackReturn on_configure (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override
controller_interface::CallbackReturn on_activate (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override
controller_interface::CallbackReturn on_deactivate (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from controller_interface::ControllerInterface
bool is_chainable () const final
std::vector< hardware_interface::StateInterface::ConstSharedPtr > export_state_interfaces () final
std::vector< hardware_interface::CommandInterface::SharedPtr > export_reference_interfaces () final
bool set_chained_mode (bool chained_mode) final
bool is_in_chained_mode () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase
virtual void assign_interfaces (std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedCommandInterface > &&command_interfaces, std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedStateInterface > &&state_interfaces)
 Method that assigns the Loaned interfaces to the controller.
virtual void release_interfaces ()
 Method that releases the Loaned interfaces from the controller.
return_type init (const std::string &controller_name, const std::string &urdf, unsigned int cm_update_rate, const std::string &node_namespace, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &node_options)
const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & configure ()
 Custom configure method to read additional parameters for controller-nodes.
ControllerUpdateStatus trigger_update (const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period)
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode > get_node ()
std::shared_ptr< const rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode > get_node () const
const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & get_lifecycle_state () const
unsigned int get_update_rate () const
bool is_async () const
const std::string & get_robot_description () const
virtual rclcpp::NodeOptions define_custom_node_options () const
template<typename ParameterT >
auto auto_declare (const std::string &name, const ParameterT &default_value)
 Declare and initialize a parameter with a type.
void wait_for_trigger_update_to_finish ()

Protected Member Functions

bool init_joint_data ()
void init_joint_state_msg ()
void init_dynamic_joint_state_msg ()
bool use_all_available_interfaces () const

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr< ParamListener > param_listener_
Params params_
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > map_interface_to_joint_state_
std::vector< std::string > joint_names_
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp::Publisher< sensor_msgs::msg::JointState > > joint_state_publisher_
std::shared_ptr< realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher< sensor_msgs::msg::JointState > > realtime_joint_state_publisher_
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unordered_map< std::string, double > > name_if_value_mapping_
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp::Publisher< control_msgs::msg::DynamicJointState > > dynamic_joint_state_publisher_
std::shared_ptr< realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher< control_msgs::msg::DynamicJointState > > realtime_dynamic_joint_state_publisher_
urdf::Model model_
bool is_model_loaded_ = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase
std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedCommandInterfacecommand_interfaces_
std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedStateInterfacestate_interfaces_

Detailed Description

Joint State Broadcaster for all or some state in a ros2_control system.

JointStateBroadcaster publishes state interfaces from ros2_control as ROS messages. There is a possibility to publish all available states (typical use), or only specific ones. The latter is, for example, used when hardware provides multiple measurement sources for some of its states, e.g., position. It is possible to define a mapping of measurements from different sources stored in custom interfaces to standard dynamic names in JointState message. If "joints" or "interfaces" parameter is empty, all available states are published.

use_local_topicsFlag to publish topics in local namespace.
jointsNames of the joints to publish.
interfacesNames of interfaces to publish.
map_interface_to_joint_state.{HW_IF_POSITION|HW_IF_VELOCITY|HW_IF_EFFORT}mapping between custom interface names and standard names in sensor_msgs::msg::JointState message.

Publishes to:

Member Function Documentation

◆ command_interface_configuration()

controller_interface::InterfaceConfiguration joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster::command_interface_configuration ( ) const

Get configuration for controller's required command interfaces.

Method used by the controller_manager to get the set of command interfaces used by the controller. Each controller can use individual method to determine interface names that in simples case have the following format: <joint>/<interface>. The method is called only in inactive or active state, i.e., on_configure has to be called first. The configuration is used to check if controller can be activated and to claim interfaces from hardware. The claimed interfaces are populated in the command_interfaces_ member.

configuration of command interfaces.

Implements controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase.

◆ init_joint_state_msg()

void joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster::init_joint_state_msg ( )
joint_state_msg publishes position, velocity and effort for all joints, with at least one of these interfaces, the rest are omitted from this message

◆ on_init()

controller_interface::CallbackReturn joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster::on_init ( )

Extending interface with initialization method which is individual for each controller.

Implements controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase.

◆ state_interface_configuration()

controller_interface::InterfaceConfiguration joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster::state_interface_configuration ( ) const

Get configuration for controller's required state interfaces.

Method used by the controller_manager to get the set of state interface used by the controller. Each controller can use individual method to determine interface names that in simples case have the following format: <joint>/<interface>. The method is called only in inactive or active state, i.e., on_configure has to be called first. The configuration is used to check if controller can be activated and to claim interfaces from hardware. The claimed interfaces are populated in the state_interfaces_ member.

configuration of state interfaces.

Implements controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase.

◆ update()

controller_interface::return_type joint_state_broadcaster::JointStateBroadcaster::update ( const rclcpp::Time &  time,
const rclcpp::Duration &  period 

Control step update. Command interfaces are updated based on on reference inputs and current states. The method called in the (real-time) control loop.

[in]timeThe time at the start of this control loop iteration
[in]periodThe measured time since the last control loop iteration
return_type::OK if update is successfully, otherwise return_type::ERROR.

Implements controller_interface::ControllerInterfaceBase.

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