| ResourceStorage (rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeClockInterface::SharedPtr clock_interface, rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr logger_interface) |
template<class HardwareT , class HardwareInterfaceT > |
bool | load_hardware (const HardwareInfo &hardware_info, pluginlib::ClassLoader< HardwareInterfaceT > &loader, std::vector< HardwareT > &container) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | initialize_hardware (const HardwareInfo &hardware_info, HardwareT &hardware) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | configure_hardware (HardwareT &hardware) |
void | remove_all_hardware_interfaces_from_available_list (const std::string &hardware_name) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | cleanup_hardware (HardwareT &hardware) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | shutdown_hardware (HardwareT &hardware) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | activate_hardware (HardwareT &hardware) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | deactivate_hardware (HardwareT &hardware) |
template<class HardwareT > |
bool | set_component_state (HardwareT &hardware, const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &target_state) |
template<class HardwareT > |
void | import_state_interfaces (HardwareT &hardware) |
void | insert_command_interface (const CommandInterface::SharedPtr command_interface) |
void | insert_command_interface (CommandInterface &&command_interface) |
template<class HardwareT > |
void | import_command_interfaces (HardwareT &hardware) |
std::string | add_state_interface (StateInterface::ConstSharedPtr interface) |
std::vector< std::string > | add_state_interfaces (std::vector< StateInterface::ConstSharedPtr > &interfaces) |
| Adds exported state interfaces into internal storage. More...
void | remove_state_interfaces (const std::vector< std::string > &interface_names) |
| Removes state interfaces from internal storage. More...
std::vector< std::string > | add_command_interfaces (std::vector< CommandInterface > &interfaces) |
| Adds exported command interfaces into internal storage. More...
std::vector< std::string > | add_command_interfaces (const std::vector< CommandInterface::SharedPtr > &interfaces) |
void | remove_command_interfaces (const std::vector< std::string > &interface_names) |
| Removes command interfaces from internal storage. More...
bool | load_and_initialize_actuator (const HardwareInfo &hardware_info) |
bool | load_and_initialize_sensor (const HardwareInfo &hardware_info) |
bool | load_and_initialize_system (const HardwareInfo &hardware_info) |
void | initialize_actuator (std::unique_ptr< ActuatorInterface > actuator, const HardwareInfo &hardware_info) |
void | initialize_sensor (std::unique_ptr< SensorInterface > sensor, const HardwareInfo &hardware_info) |
void | initialize_system (std::unique_ptr< SystemInterface > system, const HardwareInfo &hardware_info) |
void | clear () |
return_type | update_hardware_component_group_state (const std::string &group_name, const return_type &value) |
const rclcpp::Logger & | get_logger () const |
| Gets the logger for the resource storage. More...
rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr | get_clock () const |
| Gets the clock for the resource storage. More...
pluginlib::ClassLoader< ActuatorInterface > | actuator_loader_ |
pluginlib::ClassLoader< SensorInterface > | sensor_loader_ |
pluginlib::ClassLoader< SystemInterface > | system_loader_ |
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeClockInterface::SharedPtr | clock_interface_ |
rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeLoggingInterface::SharedPtr | logger_interface_ |
rclcpp::Logger | rm_logger_ |
std::vector< Actuator > | actuators_ |
std::vector< Sensor > | sensors_ |
std::vector< System > | systems_ |
std::unordered_map< std::string, HardwareComponentInfo > | hardware_info_map_ |
std::unordered_map< std::string, hardware_interface::return_type > | hw_group_state_ |
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > | hardware_used_by_controllers_ |
| Mapping between hardware and controllers that are using it (accessing data from it)
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > | controllers_exported_state_interfaces_map_ |
| Mapping between controllers and list of interfaces they are using.
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > | controllers_reference_interfaces_map_ |
std::map< std::string, StateInterface::ConstSharedPtr > | state_interface_map_ |
| Storage of all available state interfaces.
std::map< std::string, CommandInterface::SharedPtr > | command_interface_map_ |
| Storage of all available command interfaces.
std::vector< std::string > | available_state_interfaces_ |
| Vectors with interfaces available to controllers (depending on hardware component state)
std::vector< std::string > | available_command_interfaces_ |
std::unordered_map< std::string, bool > | claimed_command_interface_map_ |
| List of all claimed command interfaces.
unsigned int | cm_update_rate_ = 100 |