controller_interface::InterfaceConfiguration | command_interface_configuration () const override |
| Get configuration for controller's required command interfaces.
controller_interface::InterfaceConfiguration | state_interface_configuration () const override |
| Get configuration for controller's required state interfaces.
controller_interface::return_type | update_reference_from_subscribers (const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) override |
| Update reference from input topics when not in chained mode.
controller_interface::return_type | update_and_write_commands (const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) override |
| Execute calculations of the controller and update command interfaces.
controller_interface::CallbackReturn | on_init () override |
| Extending interface with initialization method which is individual for each controller.
controller_interface::CallbackReturn | on_configure (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override |
controller_interface::CallbackReturn | on_activate (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override |
controller_interface::CallbackReturn | on_deactivate (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override |
controller_interface::CallbackReturn | on_cleanup (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override |
controller_interface::CallbackReturn | on_error (const rclcpp_lifecycle::State &previous_state) override |
return_type | update (const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) final |
bool | is_chainable () const final |
| Get information if a controller is chainable.
std::vector< hardware_interface::StateInterface::ConstSharedPtr > | export_state_interfaces () final |
std::vector< hardware_interface::CommandInterface::SharedPtr > | export_reference_interfaces () final |
bool | set_chained_mode (bool chained_mode) final |
bool | is_in_chained_mode () const final |
| Get information if a controller is currently in chained mode.
virtual void | assign_interfaces (std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedCommandInterface > &&command_interfaces, std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedStateInterface > &&state_interfaces) |
| Method that assigns the Loaned interfaces to the controller.
virtual void | release_interfaces () |
| Method that releases the Loaned interfaces from the controller.
return_type | init (const std::string &controller_name, const std::string &urdf, unsigned int cm_update_rate, const std::string &node_namespace, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &node_options) |
const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & | configure () |
| Custom configure method to read additional parameters for controller-nodes.
ControllerUpdateStatus | trigger_update (const rclcpp::Time &time, const rclcpp::Duration &period) |
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode > | get_node () |
std::shared_ptr< const rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode > | get_node () const |
const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & | get_lifecycle_state () const |
unsigned int | get_update_rate () const |
bool | is_async () const |
const std::string & | get_robot_description () const |
virtual rclcpp::NodeOptions | define_custom_node_options () const |
template<typename ParameterT > |
auto | auto_declare (const std::string &name, const ParameterT &default_value) |
| Declare and initialize a parameter with a type.
void | wait_for_trigger_update_to_finish () |
std::vector< WheelHandle > | registered_left_wheel_handles_ |
std::vector< WheelHandle > | registered_right_wheel_handles_ |
std::shared_ptr< ParamListener > | param_listener_ |
Params | params_ |
int | wheels_per_side_ |
Odometry | odometry_ |
rclcpp::Duration | cmd_vel_timeout_ = rclcpp::Duration::from_seconds(0.5) |
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp::Publisher< nav_msgs::msg::Odometry > > | odometry_publisher_ = nullptr |
std::shared_ptr< realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher< nav_msgs::msg::Odometry > > | realtime_odometry_publisher_ = nullptr |
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp::Publisher< tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage > > | odometry_transform_publisher_ |
std::shared_ptr< realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher< tf2_msgs::msg::TFMessage > > | realtime_odometry_transform_publisher_ = nullptr |
bool | subscriber_is_active_ = false |
rclcpp::Subscription< TwistStamped >::SharedPtr | velocity_command_subscriber_ = nullptr |
realtime_tools::RealtimeBuffer< std::shared_ptr< TwistStamped > > | received_velocity_msg_ptr_ {nullptr} |
std::queue< std::array< double, 2 > > | previous_two_commands_ |
std::unique_ptr< SpeedLimiter > | limiter_linear_ |
std::unique_ptr< SpeedLimiter > | limiter_angular_ |
bool | publish_limited_velocity_ = false |
std::shared_ptr< rclcpp::Publisher< TwistStamped > > | limited_velocity_publisher_ = nullptr |
std::shared_ptr< realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher< TwistStamped > > | realtime_limited_velocity_publisher_ = nullptr |
rclcpp::Time | previous_update_timestamp_ {0} |
double | publish_rate_ = 50.0 |
rclcpp::Duration | publish_period_ = rclcpp::Duration::from_nanoseconds(0) |
rclcpp::Time | previous_publish_timestamp_ {0, 0, RCL_CLOCK_UNINITIALIZED} |
bool | is_halted = false |
std::vector< std::string > | exported_state_interface_names_ |
| Storage of values for state interfaces.
std::vector< hardware_interface::StateInterface::SharedPtr > | ordered_exported_state_interfaces_ |
std::unordered_map< std::string, hardware_interface::StateInterface::SharedPtr > | exported_state_interfaces_ |
std::vector< double > | state_interfaces_values_ |
std::vector< std::string > | exported_reference_interface_names_ |
| Storage of values for reference interfaces.
std::vector< double > | reference_interfaces_ |
std::vector< hardware_interface::CommandInterface::SharedPtr > | ordered_exported_reference_interfaces_ |
std::unordered_map< std::string, hardware_interface::CommandInterface::SharedPtr > | exported_reference_interfaces_ |
std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedCommandInterface > | command_interfaces_ |
std::vector< hardware_interface::LoanedStateInterface > | state_interfaces_ |