ros2_control - galactic
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CDitherGives white noise at specified amplitude
 CLowPassFilterA Low-pass filter class
 CPidA basic pid class
 CGainsStore gains in a struct to allow easier realtime buffer usage
 CSineSweepGenerates a sine sweep for frequency analysis of a joint
 CSinusoidA basic sine class
 CGripperActionControllerController for executing a gripper command action for simple single-dof grippers
 CCommandsStore position and max effort in struct to allow easier realtime buffer usage
 CActuatorInfoContains semantic info about a given actuator loaded from XML (URDF)
 CActuatorInterfaceVirtual Class to implement when integrating a 1 DoF actuator into ros2_control
 CControllerInfoController Information
 CHardwareInfoThis structure stores information about hardware defined in a robot's URDF
 CJointInfoContains semantic info about a given joint loaded from XML (URDF)
 CReadOnlyHandleA handle used to get and set a value on a given interface
 CSensorInterfaceVirtual Class to implement when integrating a stand-alone sensor into ros2_control
 CSystemInterfaceVirtual Class to implement when integrating a complex system into ros2_control
 CTransmissionInfoContains semantic info about a given transmission loaded from XML (URDF)
 CEffortJointSoftLimitsHandleA handle used to enforce position, velocity and effort limits of an effort-controlled joint
 CJointLimitsInterfaceExceptionAn exception related to a JointLimitsInterface
 CPositionJointSoftLimitsHandleA handle used to enforce position and velocity limits of a position-controlled joint
 CVelocityJointSaturationHandleA handle used to enforce velocity and acceleration limits of a velocity-controlled joint
 CSegmentTolerancesTrajectory segment tolerances
 CStateTolerancesTrajectory state tolerances for position, velocity and acceleration variables
 CJointGroupPositionControllerForward command controller for a set of position controlled joints (linear or angular)
 Nrealtime_toolsA pthread mutex wrapper that provides a mutex with the priority inheritance protocol and a priority ceiling of 99. The mutex is also error checked and robust. This mutex is intended to be used in real-time contexts
 CAsyncFunctionHandlerClass to handle asynchronous function calls. AsyncFunctionHandler is a class that allows the user to have a asynchronous call to the parsed method and be able to set some thread specific parameters
 CLockFreeQueueBaseA base class for lock-free queues
 CDifferentialTransmissionImplementation of a differential transmission
 CFourBarLinkageTransmissionImplementation of a four-bar-linkage transmission
 CSimpleTransmissionImplementation of a simple reducer transmission
 CTransmissionAbstract base class for representing mechanical transmissions